Monday, December 5, 2011

Evaluating my teaching.

First and foremost I LOVE teaching!! I couldnt picture myself doing anything else, I feel like in my own way im helping the world.Educating one child at a time, if I can impact just one persons whole life I'll be satisfied and succesful.

Although every thing I just said is true I always get riddled with aniexty and dread teaching my lessons. Maybe Im just a nervous person, I dont know. Its kind of weird when I think of it but from the very moment I look at the syllabus and see lesson plans I cring, LITERAllY. Ive always done very well on teaching my lessons from the very first to the present all my professors tell me "Im a Natural", so I dont know where I developed this anxiety from, but then it happens! The day comes and im ready its like another person is in front of the class; Im calm, confident and I excute the task at hand.

So of course CLIFFORD GOES TO DOG SCHOOL was no different. Prior to teaching the lesson I was absoluetly nervous!! The behaviors also added to my anxiety, I had no idea what I was going to do to keep everyone engaged and how I was going to react to students interrupting the lesson; was I going to freak out and be completely off track or roll with the punches. Writing a set of classroom rules is far from getting the students to actually follow them especially small children.

Once I started to instruct the lesson I felt Great! Everything went as planned. There was behavior problems such as danny walking aroundthe class and a little classroom chatter but "THE TEACHER" in me came out and knew exactly what to do and the lesson went on. So behavior really wasnt an obstacle. I cant really state an obstacle that happened while teaching bceause I felt really in control of myself as well as the students.
The only part of my lesson I felt needed to be improved was the wrting of my plan. IM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF!

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